
美 [θroʊ]英 [θrəʊ]
  • v.扔;抛;丢;投
  • n.扔;抛;摔;投(球)
  • 网络投掷;抛出;摔倒

过去式:threw 过去分词:thrown 第三人称单数:throws 现在分词:throwing



v. n.

用手with hand

1.[t][i]投;掷;抛;扔to send sth from your hand through the air by moving your hand or arm quickly

漫不经心地放置put carelessly

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.摔;丢;扔to put sth in a particular place quickly and carelessly

用力移动move with force

3.[t]猛推;使劲撞to move sth suddenly and with force

身体部位part of body

4.[t]~ sth/yourself + adv./prep.猛动(头、臂、腿);挺起(胸);仰起(头);挥动(拳头、手臂)to move your body or part of it quickly or suddenly

使人摔倒make sb fall

5.[t]~ sb使迅猛地摔倒在地to make sb fall quickly or violently to the ground

处于某种状态into particular state

6.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.使处于,使陷入(某种状态)to make sb/sth be in a particular state

指向某人╱事物direct sth at sb/sth

7.[t]~ sth on/at sb/sth把…对准;向…作出;对…施加to direct sth at sb/sth


8.[t](informal)~ sb使心烦意乱;使困惑;使惊奇to make sb feel upset, confused, or surprised


9.[t]~ sth掷(色子);掷出(色子的点数)to roll a dice or let it fall after shaking it; to obtain a particular number in this way

泥壶clay pot

10.[t]~ sth(在陶钧上)把…拉制成坯to make a clay pot, dish, etc. on a potter's wheel


11.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)照射(光线);投射(阴影)to send light or shade onto sth

发脾气bad-tempered behaviour

15.[t]~ sth突然发作(脾气等)to have a sudden period of bad-tempered behaviour, violent emotion, etc.

体育运动;比赛in sports/competitions

17.[t](informal)~ sth故意输掉(本应获胜的比赛或竞赛)to deliberately lose a game or contest that you should have won

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质量效应2_百度百科 ... ■ Improved Cryo Ammo【 强化冰霜弹】 ■ Throw投掷】 一、幻影人( Illusive Man) ...

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